
Accidents at work

Post-accident proceedings

In our offer you will find help in conducting a post-accident investigation and preparing a complete post-accident documentation.
Specialists from KSW Ltd. have the required authority and extensive experience in dealing with very complicated procedures, so you can be sure that the documentation is properly and legally completed.

wypadki postępowania powypadkowe

KSW Ltd. company is the author and owner of the portal Portal is an innovative system for running full post-accident records in a company. It is designed for occupational health and safety services and outsourcing companies involved in conducting occupational health and safety activities.

The main features of this system are :

  • full online documentation available 24/7
  • submission of explanations of witnesses and victims over the Internet
  • automated records management based on conducted proceedings
  • help maintain chronological dates in protocols
  • checking the level of post-accidental proceeding

We are looking forward to doing business with you

KSW Ltd.

ul. Ozimska 53 lok.4
45-059 Opole

NIP 754-297-83-61
Regon 160260895
KRS Nr 0000332722
Bank account : ING Bank Śląski
32 1050 1214 1000 0023 4217 1911

Call Us

(48 77) 442 50 07
+48 604 896 374
+48 508 597 729
+48 889 006 200

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