H&S Audits

Health and Safety Audits

We conduct analyzes and assessments of health and safety at work

Each company carries many audits and audits throughout the year, including those focusing on security. Employers increasingly attach importance not only to their frequency but also to quality. Contemporary health and safety inspections involve active superiors and employees, focusing not only on technical shortcomings, but also on behavior.

One of the elements that negatively affect the image of the health and safety department is safety checks. They are associated with errors, not always polite attention, and even with surveillance and search for employees faults. Modern safety at work requires a softer approach to health and safety inspections – they should not be carried out only by the HSE but by all superiors. The essence of audits should be: behavior, threats, involvement of employees in finding solutions and change of consciousness. These elements cause companies to increasingly implement new types of controls and set specific goals and targets for them.

Behavioral audits have recently made a bold career. Undoubtedly, they are an important part of working on ssafety. Companies decide to use them when they see that they have done a lot in organization and technology and yet there are still accidents or dangerous behavior. The main objectives of the audits are to alert employees about safety and change their behavior. Audits can take many forms – they can be managed by supervisors, employees, health and safety service or social labor inspectors.

In most cases, behavior audits consist of three stages:

  1. Observation of the workstation and employee
  2. Interview with an employee
  3. Writing down conclusions and feedback for the employee and supervisor
stan faktyczny BHP
audyty BHP
KSW Ltd. carries out audits :

  • actual health and safety conditions
  • identification of irregularities and non-compliance with regulatory and other requirements
  • analysis of working conditions
  • identification of threats occurring at worksplace

We are looking forward to doing business with you

KSW Ltd.

ul. Ozimska 53 lok.4
45-059 Opole

e-mail biuro@bhp-opole.pl
NIP 754-297-83-61
Regon 160260895
KRS Nr 0000332722
Bank account : ING Bank Śląski
32 1050 1214 1000 0023 4217 1911

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(48 77) 442 50 07
+48 604 896 374
+48 508 597 729
+48 889 006 200

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