First Aid Training

First Aid Training

We organize and conduct professional training

According to the regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy on general safety and work regulations (Dz.U. z 2003r Nr 169, poz 1650; ost. zm. Dz.U. z 2011, Nr 73, poz 1034) The employer must provide the employees with a well-functioning first aid system and indicate to each employee who has been trained to provide the first aid.

pierwsza pomoc
szkolenie pierwsza pomoc
We organize and conduct professional First Aid Training led by an experienced team of qualified instructors and rescuers with many years of experience.

We are looking forward to doing business with you

KSW Ltd.

ul. Ozimska 53 lok.4
45-059 Opole

NIP 754-297-83-61
Regon 160260895
KRS Nr 0000332722
Bank account : ING Bank Śląski
32 1050 1214 1000 0023 4217 1911

Call Us

(48 77) 442 50 07
+48 604 896 374
+48 508 597 729
+48 889 006 200

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